Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder By-Laws

Article I Definitions

1. The Term "Commission" refers to the Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders.
2. The term "ADSD" refers to Aging and Disability Services Division.
3. The term “ASD” refers to Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Article II Creation

    1. The Commission is created by Executive Order XX in 2008.

      Article III Purpose

      1. The purpose of the Commission is to address issues across the lifespan for people with ASD and their families. The Commission functions within the framework of the following vision, mission, and guiding principles.
      Vision: All Nevadans living with Autism Spectrum Disorder will achieve optimal outcomes to reach their full potential.
      Mission: The Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorder’s mission is to provide leadership, oversight and legislative advocacy in support of Nevadans living with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
      Guiding Principles:
      A. Community Support: Nevada’s communities will increase safety, acceptance and accessibility while being responsive to the needs of individuals with ASD and their families.
      B. Equal Access: Nevadans deserve equal access to comprehensive services across their lifespan so that they achieve optimal outcomes and a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
      C. Empowerment: Nevadans should be empowered to make informed decisions and take an active role in their outcomes through education on programs, services, advocacy and evidence-based treatments.
      D. Early Intervention: Nevadans found to be at risk for ASD deserve to start treatment and receive services at the earliest possible age.
      E. Self-Determination: All Nevadans with ASD have the right to self-determination and to choose their own home, community, employment, social and recreational activities, caregivers, direct support professionals and goals, with the support of family and friends.
      F. Applied Behavior Analysis: Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a fundamental component of comprehensive services and should be implemented as recommended by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Guidelines.
      G. Workforce: A sufficient, statewide, competent workforce is crucial to support optimal outcomes and quality of life for individuals with ASD.
      H. Evidence-Based Practices: Professionals should utilize evidence-based practices with fidelity and regularly monitor the effectiveness of treatment to promote better outcomes and quality of life for the individual, family and Nevada’s communities.
      I. System of Care: The system of care must be comprehensive, responsive to the needs of individuals and families living with ASD, and ensure that the most effective treatment models and screening tools are utilized in Nevada.
      J. Person-Centered Framework: Primary and secondary providers should deliver a coordinated, comprehensive and standardized system of care that embraces a person-centered framework throughout their lifespan.

        Article III Duties

        1. The Commission shall:
        A. Continue the work of the Autism Task Force by developing strategies to implement, to the extent possible, the recommendations made by the Task Force.
        B. Update the Governor on or before June 30 and December 31 each year.
        C. Advise and make recommendations to state agencies and the state legislature to insure that the needs of persons of all ages with Autism Spectrum Disorders or other pervasive developmental disorders and their families are addressed and that all available resources are coordinated to meet those needs.
        D. Review data from agencies in regards to Autism Spectrum Disorders.
        E. Monitor programs serving individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
        F. Participate in the development of policies affecting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
        G. Have over-sight on programs serving individuals with ASD as to ensure evidence-based practices are being implemented.

          Article IV Membership

          1. Voting Members - The Commission is comprised of 5 voting members who are appointed by the Governor.
          A. Voting Members must consist of parents and professionals.
          2. Non-Voting Members - The Commission may include non-voting members on any subcommittee the Commission may establish.
          3. Term of Appointment - Members of the Commission serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
          4. Chairperson - The Commission will elect a chairperson from among its members annually.
          5. Subcommittees
          A. The Commission shall establish subcommittees that focus on specific subject matters and make findings and recommendations to the full commission.
          B. The Commission chairperson selects chairpersons for subcommittees as well as commission members to serve on subcommittees.
          C. The Commission may select non-commission members from interested members of the community, including subject matter experts, to serve on the subcommittee.

            Article V Meetings

            1. The Commission will meet at least once each calendar quarter and at other times on the call of the chairperson.
            2. The Chairperson of the Commission will approve the date and place of the meetings.
            3. The meetings, including subcommittee meetings, are open to the public and subject to the requirements of the Nevada Open Meeting Law.

              Article VI Minutes

              1. The minutes will be kept by the Autism Commission support staff under the advisement of the Aging and Disability Service Division.
              2. Preparation of Minutes - Minutes of the previous meeting are transcribed and made available for inspection by the public within 30-working days after the adjournment of the meeting.
              3. Minutes of each meeting of the Commission are considered public record and will be maintained in the Offices of the Aging and Service Division.
              4. Copies of the minutes of the previous meeting will be made available to Commission members prior to the next meeting.

                Article VII Financial Reimbursement

                1. Each member of the Commission is entitled to receive per diem expense allowance and travel expenses, if funding is available, according to the fixed State approved rate while engaged in the business of the Commission.

                  Article VIII Rules of Order

                  1. The Commission will generally follow, as a guide, the Roberts Rules of Order where such rules do not conflict with NRS and these bylaws.
                  2. The order of business at meetings will generally follow the sequence listed:
                  A. Call to order
                  B. Approval of minutes
                  C. Presentation of special reports
                  D. Reports of standing committees
                  E. Old business
                  F. New business
                  G. Announcements
                  H. Public input
                  I. Adjournment

                  3. Voting
                  A. There are 5 voting members on the Commission with each member having one vote.
                  B. A simple majority of the voting members of the Commission constitutes a quorum of the transaction of all business.
                  C. A majority of the voting members, in any matter within the scope of their duties, is required for the determination of any action to be taken.
                  D. The Chairperson will count and announce the results of the vote.
                  E. A vote is not effective until it is announced and may be changed up to the time of the announcement.
                  F. Proxy voting is prohibited.
                  4. Amendments to the Bylaws - The Bylaws may be amended or changed at any regular meeting by a majority of the voting members of the Commission, if the proposed amendment or change was submitted, in writing, to members of the Commission and the Chairperson, at least 14-days before the meeting.