Aging and Disability Services Division Reports

ADSD Language Access Plan

The ADSD Language Access Plan serves as the blueprint to provide limited English proficient individuals with meaningful and timely access to ADSD programs and services in an individuals preferred language following NRS 232.0081.

ADSD Olmstead Plan

The ADSD Olmstead Plan provides a five-year blueprint to improve access to services that supports community integration.  This plan is specific to ADSD’s efforts, focusing on awareness of existing services, addressing workforce shortages, and building partnerships to expand efforts.

    Nevada 211 Data and Reports

    Nevada 211 connects individuals and providers to essential health and human services resources. It is a free, confidential service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and can be accessed by dialing 211, texting 898211, or chatting on the Nevada 211 website. Nevada 211 releases reports on all Nevada 211 components, which can be found below:

    ADSD State Plan for Aging Services

    Nevada's State Plan for Aging Services is the blueprint for services to be provided from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2024.


    The draft of the next State Plan on Aging (2025-2029) is ready for public comment. This plan is largely a continuation of the existing state plan. Public comment is open until July 30, 2024. 

    Adult Protective Services Annual Report

    Statewide Vulnerable Adult Abuse Statistics

    Caregiver Assessment Pilot - 82nd Legislative Session (AB100)

    The Nevada Legislature passed AB100 in the 82nd Session requiring ADSD to pilot an evidence-based caregiver assessment measuring multiple domains related to family caregiving. The Division is required to publish an annual report of the results of this pilot in SFY2024 and SFY2025.

    Caregiving in Nevada 2022 Report

    This annual report was established as part of the Lifespan Respite Grant awarded to the Nevada Department of Health & Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division.  It documents the systemic efforts, data collection, and actions taken to advance caregiver services and supports in Nevada.  The data in this report was compiled from Nevada's Aging and Disability Services Division, Department of Health and Human Services, Child, and Family Services, Public and Behavioral Health, Health Care Financing and Policy, and Welfare Supportive Services.


      Commission on Aging (COA) - NRS 439 Report

      This report responds to NRS439.630, which requires the Nevada Commission on Aging (COA) to advise the Department of Health and Human Services Director on a biennial plan for the allocation of the Tobacco Settlement Funds (TSF) for Independent Living Grants (ILG).

      Commission on Services to Persons with Disabilities (CSPD) Report

      This report examines the value and need for the three key services outlined in NRS 439: respite, independent living, and positive behavior supports.

      Developmental Services Monthly Report

      Elders Count Nevada

      This report was compiled by the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, Department of Health and Humans Services Office of Analytics, the Center for Healthy Aging, and the Office of Statewide Initiatives at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine.  The report contains information on key topics: population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, health care and infrastructure.

      Independent Living Grants Annual Report

      To help keep Nevada’s frail seniors living independently in their communities, the 1999 Nevada Legislature enacted NRS 439.620 to create Independent Living Grants (ILGs). These grants, awarded by the Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD), provide supportive social services to delay or prevent institutionalization of frail, elder Nevadans.

      Lifespan Respite (LSR Respite RX Demonstration Project

      This report provides insight on the implementation of a respite project for self-directed services, geared towards empowering caregivers to have greater autonomy over their own respite services. The report describes the inner workings of the program and the vital collaboration between staff and program partners. The report also shares statistics and data collected on services, the caregivers we served, highlighting program successes and lessons learned during the program.

      National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) - The Impact of the Older Adult Mental Health Workforce Shortage on the Public Mental Health System

      The purpose of this paper is to summarize the current landscape and to offer recommendations on how the public mental health system can respond to the behavioral health needs of older adults while addressing the workforce shortage to the extent possible.

        National Core Indicators

        Office of the Nevada State Long Term Care Ombudsman Annual Reports

        Long-Term Care Ombudsmen are mandated by State and Federal law to advocate for the rights of residents over the age of 60 who reside in Nevada’s nursing homes and group homes.

        Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) State Plan

        The plan describes how SCSEP and its partners meet the skills training, supportive services and unsubsidized employment needs of eligible seniors age 55 and older.

        Strategic Health Care Plan for Senior Services

        This Plan, authorized and funded in 2001 by the Nevada State Legislature in Assembly Bill 513, lays out a vigorous campaign to maintain the health and independence of seniors and their families.

        Aging and Disability Services Division Administrative Office

        3416 Goni Road, Suite D-132
        Carson City, NV 89706
        (775) 687-4210