Developmental Services - Supported Living Arrangement (SLA)

The Supported Living Arrangement Program offers residential supports to individuals who require assistance to live in the least restrictive community setting possible.  SLA offers habilitative, and skill building supports to individuals designed to maximize independence in the community.  Possible living arrangement settings include an individual’s family home, apartments, host homes, foster homes and shared residences.  This service is provided through agencies that are contracted with the regional centers.

    Target Population

    The SLA program serves individuals of all ages who have an open case with Developmental Services and:

    • Are Medicaid eligible
    • Have the desire and ability to participate in SLA services and adhere to guidelines
    • Can be safely supported in a community residential setting with specialized supports


      Intermittent SLA

      The service recipients in this program require intermittent support while living in a home or apartment by themselves, with a roommate, or with family. The service recipient receives a minimum (from several hours per week) to moderate (daily) support from paid SLA staff according to the identified needs and desires. Support hours are determined by the team’s assessment of the service recipient’s service/support needs.

      24 hour SLA

      24 hour Supported Living Arrangements support service recipients in need of maximum support services. Staff are present whenever there are service recipients at home; there is awake or asleep staff at night depending on the needs of the service recipients. People typically live in a home with roommates in a community neighborhood and share the support services from the provider.

      Host Homes

      Service recipients who desire or need a family living situation receive services from a Host Home provider who includes the service recipient in their family life and activities.  Direct services/supports are to assist in the acquisition, retention or improvement of skills for the service recipient to successfully reside in the community.

        For additional information on the Supported Living Arrangement service, please contact a Regional Center near you.

          Aging and Disability Services Division Administrative Office

          3416 Goni Road, Suite D-132
          Carson City, NV 89706
          (775) 687-4210