Assistive Technology (AT) Council

Mission Statement

The mission of the Council is to provide consumer-responsive, consumer-driven advice for the planning, implementation and evaluation of assistive technology programs.


    The specific purposes of the Council is:

    1. To promote assistive technology and its many uses for people with disabilities in order to maximize the leadership, empowerment, independence, and productivity of individuals with disabilities;

    2. To promote the development and expansion of assistive technology programs and concepts on a statewide basis;

    3. To provide guidance to State agencies and local planning and nonprofit entities that are providing assistive technology services; and

    4. To improve working relationships among councils, disability groups, State, federal and non-federal programs.

      Assistive Technology (AT) Council

      Aging and Disability Services Division Administrative Office

      3208 Goni Road, Suite I-181
      Carson City, NV 89706
      (775) 687-4210

      Want to become a Board Member?

      Plans & Reports