Developmental Services - Jobs and Day Training (JDT)

Jobs and Day Training (JDT) assists individuals in obtaining meaningful employment and living skills to help them achieve community inclusion, independence, and productivity.

    Target Population

    The JDT program serves individuals of 18 years old or older who have who have an open case with Developmental Services and indicate a desire for the service.


      Day Habilitation

      Day Habilitation services provide day and individualized activities that support the participant's definition of a meaningful day. Day Habilitation services enable the participant to increase or maintain their capacity for independent functioning and decision making.  Services consist of a daily program of functional activities that assist with acquisition, retention, or improvement in self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills that take place in a variety of day habilitation settings, including facilities or settings separate from the participant’s private residence or other residential living arrangement.

      Facility Based Work/Prevocational Services 

      Prevocational services prepare a participant for paid or unpaid employment. Services include teaching skills such as self care, social skills, attendance, mobility training, task completion, self direction, problem solving and safety. Services are not job or task oriented, but instead, aimed at a generalized result. Services are reflected in the participant’s Individual Service Plan (ISP) and are directed to habilitation rather than explicit employment objectives.

      Supported Employment 

      Supported employment is a combination of intensive ongoing supports and services that enable participants for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely or who may be able to work in a competitive work environment but who, because of their disabilities, need supports to perform in a work setting. Supported employment is conducted in a variety of settings including enclaves at community businesses and work sites where persons without disabilities are employed and are designed to increase or maintain the individual's skill and independence.

        For more information about the Jobs and Day Training Program, contact a Regional Center near you.

          Aging and Disability Services Division Administrative Office

          1550 College Parkway
          Carson City, NV 89706
          (775) 687-4210