Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease (TFAD) Members

Appointed Board Members

* Benjamin Challinor Mendez - Chair

1A-Arepresentative from an association that provides services to persons with Alzheimer's disease

* Senator Marilyn Dondero Loop

2A- Legislator

* Dr. Dylan Wint

1B-A Medical representative from an association that provides services to persons with Alzheimer's disease

* Assemblyman Duy Nguyen

2B- Member of Assembly

* Dr. Jennifer Carson

1C- Caregivers for persons with cognitive disorders

* Dr. Peter Reed

1D-NSHE with Expertise in Cognitive Disorders.

* LeeAnn Mandarino - Vice Chair

1E-A representative of providers of service for persons with cognitive disorders

* Gini Cunningham

1F-A representative from a rural area of the state

* Jeff Duncan

1G- Department of Health and Human Services ADSD

* Susan Hirsch

1H-Member at Large